Our First Lesson - #001

Sky and I had our first riding lesson back in February. I wish I had written about it then while everything was fresh but being the serial procrastinator that I am I did not. There are videos of my ride on moms phone  and i'll be sure to post them when I find them.  This was not only my first lesson with Sky but also my first lesson with a horse of my own. I've ridden countless lesson horses who were all stunning in their own ways.
But there's something different about riding a horse of your own.
There is a sense of partnership that I had glimpsed when riding a school horse regularly. But this was Sky, my heart horse, the horse I had spent the last six months getting to know. It was a giddy feeling. Up until the day before our lesson anyways. 
It then turned into a stomach churning mix of excitement, anxiousness, and complete joy. I was finally going to get to ride Sky in an arena, in front of a trainer I adore, with both my parents there to see us. I can't summarize how much it meant to me having both of them there, it may end up being a post all of its own. 

We live across town from my trainer; a little over an hour away.  With that and a serious case of jitters I was out at the pasture a good three hours before necessary. Sky got the grooming of his life and I gathered my gear into a nice little pile by the road so we could load up and go. I may have slightly 'coughmajorlycough' over packed for my first lesson. But I didn't know what to expect. 
This is where I wish I had written about this sooner. I've forgotten the details. I know we left later than expected. My mom and dad went to go find a gas station while I tacked up. Then it was time to ride. I warmed him up while telling my trainer what I knew about his history. Then we did a lot of trot work. He did extremely well, a bit quick as always but much easier to handle in the closed space. This is where I struggled more than he did. It had been years since I had ridden in a lesson and the posting for an extended amount of time winded me.

Overall by the end of the lesson my trainer liked him, which was huge. Like having your boyfriend over to meet the parents and earning their approval huge. While I had already thought Sky hung the moon and stars, hearing  he was a good horse with potential from a professional rider who I greatly admire sent me off onto cloud nine. I was so proud. Needless to say Sky got plenty of extra hugs and cookies when we got home that day. 

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